Friday, February 12, 2010

Daily A~Musing #12:  
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

Once upon a time, there was a chance meeting between Peanut Butter and Chocolate.  Peanut Butter had been minding her own business, taking a pleasant stroll through the park 
when Chocolate accidently bumped into her.

“You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!”
“You got your peanut butter on my chocolate!” 

That magickal first meeting blossomed into a romance.  Deep, dark Chocolate sweetly seduced smooth, creamy Peanut Butter.  Peanut Butter melted Chocolate’s heart until the two became inseparable. 

After a whirlwind courtship, a fine gentleman named H. B. Reese 
joined these two lovers in holy matrimony at a quiet ceremony in his basement and their passion was at last consummated into a mouth-watering treat that has endured the test of time.


Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, also known as “Good Girl’s Crack,” have been near and dear to my heart for most of my life.  I do not recall the first moment we met, but I love them more than I love my own family.  I don’t just love them…I LOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEE them.

I’m just a wee bit addicted, actually.  Well, perhaps more than just a wee bit.  When I’ve had a really rough day, (like a Richter Scale 8.5 kinda day) do I come home and head for the couch?  Do I pour myself into a martini glass?  Okay, sometimes I DO do that, but I’m far more likely to drown my sorrows in a bag of Reese’s miniatures.  I know, right?  Those little suckers have such a powerful hold on me, I actively salivate when I see the logo.

Reese’s rehab in my future?  Possibly.  Probably.

Hey, don’t play coy with ME.  

If you have an ounce of estrogen in your body, you know EXACTLY what I mean.  And if you're not exactly feeling that tug just now, we’ll see how you feel when “that time” starts closing in on you at the end of the month.  We’ll see how well-behaved you are when I dangle a RPB Big Cup in front of you.  I guarantee you’ll grow fangs, snarl, drool and viciously attack me, desperately clutching at that just-out-of-reach confection.  Oh yes....  You KNOW you would!  J 

  Come to me, darling--
You know you want to!

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