Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Daily A~Musing #17:  My Big Redneck Wedding (the show, not my wedding personally)

Although...mine and Tad's wedding COULD perhaps qualify.  We exchanged vows and rings in our backyard (nobody else there but us).  After that, we whisked away on our extravagant honeymoon to Salem, Massachusetts for a few days, then returned to a potluck reception at our house. 

We signed the fancy marriage paper attested to by my notary friend Tori, witnessed by my best friend Marie and my sister, Brandi, then toasted with pink sparkling wine and ate Pez wedding cake.  (I collect Pez dispensers...the cake top was a snow globe with a Pez bride and groom in it.  It's sitting on my microwave at this very moment.)  The groom wore jeans and a waffle-knit shirt and the bride wore jeans, running sneakers, and one of Tad's plaid shirts.  Party favors included candy necklaces and bubbles.
Now, let's get a few things straight.  I am NOT a country music fan and I am a true Northern girl complete with wool sweaters, snow tires and creepy pale skin.  Having said this, My Big Redneck Wedding is one of my fave tv shows.  
Having grown up in the backwoods of Maine, I can attest that "rednecks" can be found in the North as well as the South (although this show tends to focus on the species indigenous to areas below the Mason-Dixon Line.)  I shall not wax poetic in the style of Larry the Cable Guy style, but I can direct you to CMT where you can partake of video samplings of this fun stuph.

Tom Arnold hosts the show.  I've never been a big fan of Tom Arnold either. However, in an interview he did about the show, he talked about how doing this show rekindled his zest for life and fun and how he admired the people in the show for seizing the moment and going all out to have a good time, despite limited funds.  

So, check it out.  Laugh a lot.  And when you're done, go out and create what happiness and fun you can with whatever funds you've got and stop waiting around for the right time, the windfall, the lottery or whatever the heck you've been waiting for.  

GoGoGo...I'll be here when you get back.  


  1. Amuzing and interesting. You'll always be a hick to me. :P

    But one must ask the exceptional English BA...
    Was "indigent" a typo... or a deliberate and apt observation? ;)


    ~ If I could sign this with a big toothy grin I would, but I can't so I won't... so GUESS WHO! :p
