Monday, February 8, 2010

Daily A~Musing #8:  Puppydogs

In the mid 1990’s, my ex told me there was a chance he might be deployed to Bosnia for six months or so. We’d been talking about getting a dog, but he wasn’t terribly thrilled at the prospect.  He harbored a wee bit of fear of dogs, although I’m not really sure why.  He used to tell our friends in a sort of awed tone about how he’d seen me walk right up to a 150-lb drooling, snarling beast and start talking baby- talk to it like it was some fuzzy little bunny or something. 

So, I’d been doing all kinds of crazy doggee research to learn everything I could about the breeds and what kind of dog would suit our lifestyle best.  I told him we should get a Boxer because I had the time and space to train one and they were reputed to be very good family dogs.  Since he didn’t really believe he’d be sent to Bosnia, negotiations culminated in him agreeing that IF he got deployed, I could get a dog. 

He went to Bosnia.
I got Tucker. 

Tucker, as you can probably tell, is NOT a Boxer.  Tucker came from a ‘tierheim’ (pet shelter) in Germany.  And, just so you know, adopting a puppy there was no small feat.  Americans (mostly military) frequently abandoned their animals when they relocated, so the Germans did not like to allow Americans to adopt young animals.  However, after getting references from a German vet and a German friend who rescued cats from one of the local posts ANND after visiting the tierheim several times, I was blessed with my very own little puppydog. 

Tucker was the only puppy at the shelter and I was smitten at first sight.  I had wanted a big dog, he was small.  I had wanted to name him something that I had carefully researched and selected because it sounded elegant only to chuck it all on impulse saying “Tucker.  His name is Tucker.” 
I calculated Tucker’s bday to be around August 10 (he’s a Leo…HAHA!) and he was about 2 months old when I brought him home.  Since then, my dog has been the only consistent person, furry or otherwise, in my daily life in the last 14 and a-half years.  Now he’s an old man and I know he could go at any time although I’m pretty sure I won’t handle it so great when it actually happens.  

But, until then, we get up together every single morning.  I fill his food and water bowls, let him back in from going potty and we celebrate that he’s still alive.  He does his ritual lap around the livingroom, diningroom, kitchen and meeting me back in the hall while I say, “Yayyyy!  You’re still heeeere!”  He smiles, waggles all over and walks under my legs so I’ll scritch his butt.  It really is a nice way to start my day.  J

If you love the furry babies and want to adopt or help out shelters, here are a few links to check out: -> they show pets of all kinds across the whole country       -> self-explanatory -> for news, events, donations -> this is the place that rescued and rehabilitated the Vick pit bulls…you can see them on the show Dogtown

If you love watching dog shows and want a purebred, PLEEEEEASE research the breed and find a reputable breeder in your area.  Don’t support puppymills and petshops that promote irresponsible and harmful puppydog practices.  If you engage in activities where a special breed makes sense, get the breed that fits.  For example, if you don't hunt but you get a hunting dog just because you like the way it looks, remember that dogs can't fight their breeding.  If YOU don't give them something to do with those instincts, THEY will find their OWN way of occupying themselves. WON'T like it.

If you wanna go all out, go to the BMV vanity plate search on and this could be your new plate:
Ohh yeah...and one more thing.  Cesar Millan:  The Dog Whisperer is one of the greatest human beings alive.  If you've never watched the show, do it.  You'll see what I mean.

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