Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Daily A~Musing #31: Yellow Kitchens

My grandmother's kitchen was always yellow.  (Remember the A-Musing about learning to read in my grandmother's kitchen?)  So many happy times in that silly little kitchen.

Yellow 's rep contradicts itself.  Yellow can mean cowardly, but it can also indicate happiness.  (Does this mean cowardly folks are happier?  Hmmm....)  In Feng Shui, yellow possesses similar properties to the color red, without red's harsher connotations.  Feng Shui also advises using yellow in children's rooms and family rooms.   (Kitchens count as family rooms, yes? Yes.)

Yellow, to me, means sunshine, lemon flavored cake, raincoats and joy.  It's buttery, citrusy, refreshing and rejuvenating.  It makes me so happy, so I painted my kitchen 
Golden Butter last weekend with my good friend Lauri (who was AWESOME, by the way...Lauri's a freakin' painting MACHINE!!!)  I painted my sun room and diningroom ages ago when I first moved into my house, but never got around to my dreary kitchen for at least 24 different reasons.  Here's what it looked like before butter:

*Note how much more fun my diningroom is
NOW look...

I put this off for so long because, as you can see, my kitchen is in SERIOUS need of updating. My appliances don't match, my cabinets are cheap and hideous and my floor is scummy linoleum.  


I've made the executive decision that I shall no longer put things off that I CAN do because of things I CAN'T do.  I can't afford to re-do my kitchen the way I want it right now, but look how much nicer it looks now that it blends with my other rooms and now that it's drenched in melted golden butter.  Carpe Dairy! 
