Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Daily A~Musing #50: Watching Movies on Huge Screens

When new movies come out that I want to see, I settle in with my charts and graphs, analyzing precisely what my level of interest is in regard to whether this is a "lets-go-see-it-in-the-theater" movie, a "let's-just-wait-and-watch-it-on-demand" movie or a "holy-crap-we're-totally-driving-to-IMAX-for-this-puppy!" movie.  

I've only been to IMAX a couple of times in the last few years, because the criteria had to be sufficient for me to haul my carcass all the way to Boston for the show.  The last time I went to Boston IMAX was to watch "300."  Totally worth it.  Nothing like gawking at 40-feet-tall, mostly nekkid and TRES fit Spartan warriors sweating and howling at each other while subwoofers rumble under my seat.  YeeeeHAWWWW!!  I believe we now have an IMAX in Saco (welcome to the 21st century, fellow Maineiacs), so this will certainly alter my whole assessment approach. 
I went to see "How To Train Your Dragon" last weekend with my husband.  He mocked me as we entered the theater. 
"Notice anything about all those people?"  (He pointed to the group of folks jamming into the theater before us.)
"Um, no."
"Yeah, all the adults are accompanied by CHILDREN.  I'm taking my almost-forty WIFE to see this."
*GRIN*  Who's my daddy??  Heeheeheee!  Totally adorable movie...lovedlovedLOVED the night fury dragon, Toothless.  I also very much enjoyed the company of little people sharing the experience.  The little girl sitting on my right wore a princess dress with her feet sticking out in front of her all glittery in sparkly shoes.  She munched popcorn while her little stuffed HelloKitty doll sat watching the movie beside her from the comfort of the cup holder.  (Dude...you can't GET that On Demand.)  Minor caveat, though, parental units:  This movie could potentially be scary for really, really little people cuz there's fire and fighting and stuph like that.  Otherwise, I highly recommend it.  And...bring tissues.  I bawled through several bits and had to go to dinner with poofy, squinty eyes afterward.  (Good thing it was BBQ...people expect your eyes to water over spicy ribs.)
Where was I going with this?  Oh, yeah, right.  Good movies...big screens...awesome.  There.  Done.  :D

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