Saturday, April 3, 2010

Daily A~Musing #53: Fun Slippers

I know we're slowly crawling out of the cold winter season and the concept of slippers may be drifting back into the recesses of northern consciousness, but I just gotta say it.  Slippers make my feet happy.

The important thing to remember is that happy feet usually equal happy person.  As many of you know, I'm a big fan of cute shoes.  And, being semi-girly in certain circumstances, my experience has led me to often equate the cutest of shoes with an intensity of discomfort and inconvenience.  However, any fashionista knows, it's totally worth it if they look good.  Don't ask me what portion of many female brains allows this to be a truth because I'm not a scientist.  I'm just a shoe lover.  

The good news is, we can always come home, kick off our pointy heels and ease into some comfy slippers for the evening.  My slipper adoration began with Cookie Monster slippers.  Once I had those furry blue critters on my feetsies, I knew it was all over but the cryin'.  I couldn't stop.  I continued to seek fulfillment of my fun & fuzzy slipper fetish.  I've had bear claw slippers, bunny slippers, silly slippers and serious slippers.  As it stands, I am currently sans slippers and this is SO not the way for me to be.  I've been doing slipper research since February (when I was forced to relinquish my sheepie slippers because I could no longer deny they had reached their ultimate demise).  

I implore you, my wonderful Puddlewackers, to assist me in my quest for cute slippers.  I have included pictorial prompters to guide you in my selection process.  I ask you to review the contenders and give me input as to which pairs of adorable footwear should become my next purchase:

#1:  Puppy Slippers.  The appeal of these is twofold:  I love the doggies and I also enjoy the insinuation of "dogs" wearing dogs.
#2:  Gator/Croc Slippers.  The appeal of these should be obvious...I could run around attacking people with my gator/croc teef.  muAHHAHhahaaaaa!

#3:  Dragon Slippers.  I mean, come all KNOW how much I LOVE dragons.
#4:  Kitty Slippers.  I own a pair of kitty shoes, so it seemed that kitty slippers may be apropos.  
#5:  Grizzly Paw Slippers.  Classic and cool.  Also good for freaking out the pets.

#6:  Godzilla Feet Slippers.  Again, good for freaking out the pets.  And for stomping around the house going, "Arrrggghhhh!!!!!"

#7:  Freudian Slippers.  Seriously...need I say more?  The irony is palpable.

So, whatdya guys think?  Which pair should I pursue?


  1. Can't go wrong with a pair of paws! Actually, you can't go wrong with any of those slippers...

    I've definitely got a thing for slippers too. Ever since I saw my friend's pair of bear paws I've been hooked. Now I've got a bunch of them. Glad to see someone else who enjoys the same! Nothing like the feeling of warm and soft slippers on your feet at the end of the day :).

    PS: I'd definitely recommend those Godzilla stompers. I have a pair and they're awesome.

  2. hi,
    where can i get a pair of kitty slippers (#4). they're great!

  3. I want to have that Godzilla Feet Slippers! Totally awesome slippers.
