Monday, March 7, 2011

A~Musing #60: Making a Good Decision

Did you notice how I removed the "daily" bit there?  I can't do this every single day.  It's too exhausting and it's reason number 481 why I stopped writing on here for so long.  I need a nice, easy pace....  Something I can still hold a conversation while doing.  (Isn't that the standard they give you whenever you take on a new exercise regimen?)

So, there's one good decision.  I've been making lots of good decisions lately, which has been a nice change of pace coming out of a long stretch of hideously wrong decisions.  Although...they seemed like good decisions at the time.  That's the tricky part.  Sometimes,  I'll make up my mind to something based on whatever I've got in front of me, pat myself on the back and move forward in blissful ignorance.  

The funny thing is that, later, when I realize my mistake, I can always always always look back and see all the crystal clear signs where the universe was jumping up and down, trying desperately to get my attention.  "Hey!  Hey, Maevon!  Don't do eet, mahn!   NoooOOOooooOOooo!!!!"  I march determinedly forward, past all the big red flags, deaf to bells, whistles, sirens because I'm following some weird notion that someone else stuck in my head of where I should be going and of how I should be spending my time.  I dunno who that someone is...I don't think I can blame my parents for everything (although many psychiatrists would disagree).  

The important things to remember:

*Sometimes you hafta tell that little programmed voice in your head to shut the heck up.  (Meds or no meds, YOU are the one in control of the voice.)

*Sometimes we make not good decisions and it's okay because it was the only way to access the information we needed to make good decisions in the future.

*Enjoy your mistakes when you can; don't panic when you make them; enjoy your excellent choices whenever you can even if they don't look "right" to anyone else but you.

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