Friday, February 19, 2010

Daily A~Musing #19:  Katie's Sticker Collection

For those of you who don't have a Katie of your own, I just so happen to have one about me that I'm willing to share.  This is my friend, Katie:
(Alias: Mommy)
This is Katie's car:
As you may recall, the title of this bit indicated something about a sticker collection, so, you're prolly wondering, 

"Why is Maevon showing us Katie's car?"  

The answer:  Katie showcases her magnificent sticker collection in her car.  


(If you look closely, you'll notice Katie peering through the window,  laughing at me for contorting in her compact vehicle to take pics of this stuph.)

On the way to Dunkin' Donuts, Katie explained that it all began with trips to the bank where the tellers would give stickers to her young daughters, Madison and McKenzie.  When the M&M's melted down and put on their own WWF wrestling bout over who got what sticker, Katie solved the dispute by putting the stickers on the ceiling for everyone to share and enjoy.  (Can you TELL she's a social worker???)

Katie reports this is the THIRD vehicle she and her girls have adorned in this manner.  She said whenever little kids get in her car--even if they're scared or grouchy--they look up and gaze in wonder and awe, mesmerized by the dazzling display.  

As I am just a little kid trapped in this aging carcass, I responded the very same way.  

~Thanx McKenzie, Madison & Katie!~


  1. I had no idea that Katie did this! Remind me not to have my son ride in her car... I don't need stickers all over my car!!!!

  2. I think we should do it again in our new car
