Saturday, February 20, 2010

Daily A~Musing #20:  Wellies!

You're muttering to yourself,"Finally!  I was WONDERING when she'd get around to that!"

I know...I KNOoooow.  The name is "Puddlewacky."  The game is puddle-jumping. How the heck did I think you were all gonna manage without wellies???

These are my precious wellies:

And again, under my lovely gnome jammy pants:
Top 3 Things I Love About Wellies:
1) You can puddle jump in them
2) They accommodate my cankles quite comfortably
3) They're so goshdarnit cute

Wellingtons were popularized by a fine British gent named Arthur Wellesley who also happened to be the 1st Duke of Wellington.  Wellingtons became standard suckymuck attire during WWI when the British army issued them to soldiers to preserve their feetsies.  

Wellingtons go by a variety of aliases:  

blucher boots(in Aussie)~
footrot flats

Quite functional.

 Much cuter.

Although we've come to synonymize (eez a word, jess?) galoshes with Wellingtons, they are NOT the same thing.  Galoshes (which originates from the phrase 'Gaulish Shoe') were initially overshoes you put on over your pretty shoes to protect them from getting all yucky.  A modern version of this sorta thing can be found in the hybrid of ducky-style boots with leather tops and rubber bottoms.  Maine gets to claim the famous La La Bean boot as a prime example of this specimen: 
They make wellies, too:  

If you live in Maine, the weather is s'posed to be nice and sloppy all next week.  So...if you don't got 'em, gets 'em!

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