Saturday, February 27, 2010

Daily A~Musing #27: Coco Chanel

Although we all know this woman as the most distinguished woman in the history of fashion, 
Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel was born a peasant in Saumur, France with five siblings and few prospects.  Her innovative mind, her unmistakable elegance and her irrepressible spirit defined her as truly unique, even by modern standards of what a woman could, should and would be regardless of her origins.

Chanel's mother died of tubercolosis when she was 12.  Chanel's father dumped her at a monastic orphanage where she stayed until she was 18 (although she did visit relatives over holidays and school vacations).  

At 18, Chanel took off to Moulins to become a cabaret singer, which is where her moniker "Coco" developed.  Chanel used this as a stage name.  It came from a song she loved to sing about a little lost dog named Coco. 

Coco was a revolutionary.  As most of us know, "A revolution is not a dinner party."  (thanx Chairman Mao)  Coco was no angel and lived her life as SHE saw fit.  While working as a seamstress to pay the bills that singing was not, she met and became mistress to a wealthy French textile heir.  Rich guy gave her all the trappings of the good life, without any of the dignity or integrity.  So, when Coco realized she wanted much more than he was willing to give, she ditched him, took his apartment in Paris and started a little shop making and selling hats.  The shop failed, Coco was broke and nearly lost everything until she hooked up with an old friend of her former lover.  With the financial and emotional support of her new beau, she launched a full line of fashion, opened other shops, and became the fashion icon and exquisite woman we all know her as today.

If you want more info, check out some books and movies.  These are pretty good  ^  There are also a ton of excellent blogs that have lots more pics and info.  I just don't have enough room to enumerate them all here.  That's what Google is for.  

There's also a children's book called "Different Like Coco"

This book highlights how anyone can come from anywhere and become whatever they really want to be.  
"A woman must be two things:  classy and fabulous."

Coco had many affairs with rich, influential men, but never married any of them.  When asked why she didn't marry the Duke of Westminster when she had the chance, she replied:
"There are several Duchesses of Westminster.  There is only one Chanel."

Gabrielle created herself into what she wanted to be.  My friend Cynthia Smith said, "We recreate ourselves in order to justify our existence."  Gabrielle started out a little lost dog in the big, bad world and continually justified her existence by dominating an industry that changes with every season.  She was Coco Chanel.  Powerful, brilliant and~above all~stylish.

"If you're born without wings, do everything you can to grow some."  ~Coco Chanel

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