Monday, March 1, 2010

Daily A~Musing #29: Mulligans

Yeah, you heard me.  (All my friends who play crappy golf are either snickering right now or hiding their faces in shame.) 

For those of you who don't play golf, a "Mulligan" is basically a "do-over."  So, to elaborate, if you screw up the first time, you get to do it over again.  (Just to be clear, I am NOT a pro golfer.  I am also not an amateur golfer.  I AM, however, an avid MINIATURE golfer.  If I can't see a windmill or a cartoon-esque pirate anywhere, I don't wanna play.)

I have to say that the largest percentage of building materials in the foundation of my existence is comprised of Mulligans.  I'm thinking a good 67% of any attempts I make at anything results in the need for a re-try.  (Any venture involving the use of Math skills tends result in re-re-re-RE-tries.)  The good news is that I'm supremely stubborn and will doggedly bang my head on things until they give way, so it all works out in the end.  In general.  Not always.  (I really do try to get it right the first time...just seems that I frequently suck at that.) 
 For example (yes, I have a few), I had to take my SAT's twice.  And my GRE's.  (If you knew my scores on either ordeal you wouldn't know whether to laugh, cry or pat me on the shoulder shaking your head in dismay.) 
Let's see...what else... 
I just asked Tad if we could classify our marriage as a Mulligan.  We were both married once before and he's an actual golf-player, so I consulted him for guidance.  Tad said that you don't get Mulligans in REAL golf games; only in friendly, casual games.  He said he didn't think the term accurately applied to our marriage.  He had to think about it for a few minutes, but this was his conclusion once he completed the processing, um, process.

(Some of you are still gasping, mortified that I would even consider applying Mulligan theory to my sacred union.  Others are smiling sweetly, cooing, "Awwww, what a guy.")  

Go ahead and say aww if you like.  He's pretty dang cool, if you ask me.  But that's another day's a~musing.  Cheers!

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