Saturday, March 6, 2010

Daily A~Musing #34:Disney's Version of Alice in Wonderland

I've long harbored a mild obsession with Alice in Wonderland.  I've watched a plethora of movies and shows dedicated to Alice and yet I've never found the motivation to crack open the actual books.  Odd, that.  

Every year we have a big Halloween party with a theme, so if people can't think of what they want to dress up as they have an automatic starting point.  (Fear not...I am NOT a costume fascist.  If someone arrives sporting a non-theme-oriented ensemble or no costume at all, I do not bar admittance to the soiree.)  Alice in Wonderland was the theme a couple of years ago and I was the Cheshire Cat.  (Please note the Puddlewacky logo grin, which is really just a cartoon version of me.) 

I'm not gonna go deep here.  But, let me just say...I have certain movies that I watch over and over (dig out your DSM, folks...I feel a diagnosis coming on) and they all serve very particular purposes.  When I'm sad, I watch Mary Poppins and I feel better.  When I want to feel inspired, I watch Mirror Mask.  When I feel like I've lost my way and I need some direction, I watch Alice.  Specifically, Disney Alice.  I'm not even really sure why, but it is what it is.    

I've been looking forward to the new AIW and finally got to see it this afternoon.  I won't tell you what I thought of it because I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't gotten to see it yet.  All I can say is I DON'T recommend watching it in 3D cuz it was very blurry.  (And the answer is YES, I WAS wearing my 3D glasses...thank you for asking, smahtass.)  I recommend seeing it "regular."  And I recommend going to Sea Dog afterward like we did.  This is restaurant week in the Portland area and a lot of restaurants are running specials until next Wednesday, methinx.  Look it up online.  I got some creme brulee...and ya'll KNOW how I love my creme brulee.


  1. I've heard a lot of conflicting things about this. Funny--I haven't heard one word of praise or criticism for the actress who plays Alice. However, I've heard loads of praise of Helena Bonham-Carter.

    This will probably wind up on my Netflix list.

  2. There's a very good reason for that. The actress playing Alice was not a good choice; her presentation was flat and she was mind gnawingly boring. However, HBC (one of my all time fave screen goddesses since I was in high school) was FAB-U-LOUS. I need to watch it again without the 3D though before I can make a final overall decision about the whole flick.
