Thursday, March 11, 2010

Daily A~Musing #39: Aliens

I am a Level 6 Sci-Fi Geek Extraordinaire 
(Conditionally Licensed).  
My qualifications include the following:
*Working knowledge of a variety of classic, modern and 
spoof sci-fi movies and tv shows (Star Wars, V, 
Battlestar Gallactica (new and old versions, etc)
*Basic understanding of current alien issues and alien policy 
in the ComiCon/EverythingCon world
*Extensive experience in human/alien relations 
(What?! Have you 
MET my family???)
*Ability to imitate Yoda accent on demand

As there are approximately 20 Levels of 
Sci-Fi Geek Extraordinaire, you can see 
I'm still pretty new to the profession. 
However, I am eager to learn, willing to be

trained (NOT probed!!!), and my brain is 
very attractive...perfect for pickling and 
using in experimentation (once I've finished 
using it myself, of course.) If you are considering 
me for any Sci-Fi Geek positions within your
organization, please note that I also possess 
advanced education and full licensure for 
Full Fantasy Geektress of Ulm (which, as you know, 
is just one step below Full Fantasy Uber Geek 
On-High which can only be achieved once 
you've ransacked 4000 kingdoms and magickally 
made an entire planet's 
population disappear).

My colleagues are prepared to furnish excellent references upon your request.
Thank you for your time and consideration.  I look forward to your response.
(In case you're wondering, the little alien you see here lives on Weymouth Road in Gray/New Gloucester and I drive by him every day, twice a day, on my way to and from work.  Very friendly little critter and always celebrates the holidays festively.  If you're in the neighborhood, drive by and say hello...he's always out there greeting passersby.  I think he may have an outdated Human Relations manual.)

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