Friday, March 12, 2010

Daily A~Musing #40: Abba Songs

There are two types of people in the world:  
*Those who love Abba
*Those who love Abba, but would never confess such a thing, even under gruesome torture
Oh, you KNOW I'm telling the gospel truth here.  Even as a hardcore music snob with a firmly planted foundation in punk rock and original alternative, I can tell you from personal experience that Abba has a magickal effect on people.  Don't believe me?  Ever been to a wedding?  After a couple of cocktails and even the most devout metalheaded ACDC fan suddenly knows all the words to "Dancing Queen."  

Any D.J. worth their salt has at least four Abba songs which they keep on hand, just in case Shania Twain and Barry Manilow have lulled the crowd into a coma and gangsta rap is just too racy for the young'uns in the bridal party.  You'll please note that Abba songs tend to come accompanied with other soiree staples such as the "The Electric Slide," "Sweet Home Alabama" and "YMCA."  (Nothing amuses me more than the glorious irony of clearly homophobic individuals joyously jumping on the dancefloor, singing and shaping letters with their wildly waving arms above their heads.  Priceless, I tell you.  PRICELESS!)

For Abba devotess, there's a movie, "Muriel's Wedding" with Toni Colette and Rachel Griffiths.  The soundtrack:  All Abba, all the time.  No kidding.  These tackybrat girls mock Muriel's devotion to Abba and tell her to stop hanging around them because she's such a loser.  She finds her very best friend in the world with whom she bonds by performing a choreographed karaoke competition singing "Waterloo."  There's more to the movie than this, but naturally, I'm focusing on the awesomeness of Abba. 

And, do NOT forget the musical, "Mamma Mia" which is now a movie with the incomparable Meryl Streep, along with Pierce Brosnan and a few other fabulous thespians.  
So, if you're feeling blue and you need an injection of happiness, feel free to indulge in the guilty pleasures of Abba.  Feel the beat from the tambourine...OOOOoooohhhh Yeahhhhh!  Yoooou can daaaaaance, you can daAAaahaaaance...havingthetimeofyourliiiiffee...ooooooo!!!

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