Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daily A~Musing #42: Giant Chess Games

I suck at chess.  It's really complicated, there's way too much to pay attention to and focusing for exceedingly long periods of time on strategies is not my forte.  Whenever I play chess, I have fun for about 30 minutes.  After that, my brain starts to hemorrhage, my eyeballs tumble from their sockets onto the ground and I have to get down on my hands and knees and fumble around for them before they get squeeshed under someone's careless foot.
Okay.  Maybe it's not as dramatic as all that.  I really do enjoy playing.  Especially when I can play Kamikaze Chess (that's when you just play as fast as you can without thinking.  I win at lot more frequently when I get to play Kamikaze Chess.)  I think I really just like the idea of playing chess.  And, I really love chess sets.  Some are so beautiful, it's really all about the craftsmanship rather than the game itself.  But what I really, really, REALLY want is a giant outdoor chess set in my yard.  Oh, I would SO play it all the time.  Here's a website that can meet all of your giant chess needs.  Pretty cool, eh?  Whenever I see the pieces, especially when little kids are playing with them, it makes me smile.  Check out these pix then go look for more.  Maybe it'll make you smile, too.

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