Monday, March 15, 2010

Daily A~Musing #42: Selkies

What the heck is a selkie you ask?  Well, I'll tell you.  In a word...a seal.
I've always felt a kinship with selkies.   There's a story about a female seal who dances upon the shore and gets caught by a human man who swipes her beautiful skin.  She marries him, has children with him, but never forgets her wild animal self.  Eventually, after many years of pleasant marriage, she finds her skin and turns back into her genuine self.  A selkie.  She washes back out into the ocean and swims her way into legend.  
When I married Tad, I gave a stuffed seal to my stepdaughter and asked her to keep it from me so I could never leave.  Odd to you, I'm sure.  But I wanted to be sure my commitment was genuine and that she was part of my oath.  I do hope she still guards my precious garment.  It is more important than she probably realizes. 
Celtic peoples regard selkies as sacred animals.  It's one of the animal totems of the Druid Animal Oracle.  The challenge of those blessed with selchie medicine is this:  
"It is a call from the sea, from the Unconscious, from the depths.  It calls to us from the waters of our birth, from our beginnings on earth, from our brothers and sisters in the animal realm who are closer to us than we dare imagine.  We fear this call, because we feel we may be drowned, overwhelmed by our feelings.  But do no let your intellect imprison your heart, as the human imprisons his selchie spouse--the magical seal.  Opening yourself to the promptings of the Unconscious, of the Feminine, of your dreams, and your longings will bring transformation, healing and love into your life."

Seals are frequently credited with the origin of mermaids as they have frequently assisted humans in their seaward destinies.  Seals are also the subject of amusement and entertainment.  But, remember...the selkie is sacred.  If this animal crosses your path...meditate upon the incredible blessing bestowed upon you:  King Lochlann may call you home, but love may keep you here.

Blessed Be.

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