Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Daily A~Musing #43: Getting There

"Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet????"
"We'll be there soon."
Sigh.  Kickkickkick...shuffleshuffle, BIG sighhhhhh....
"Are we there yet?"
Grumblegrumblefwaphack.  Sighhhh.  Arrghghh...fumblefumble ACK.
"Are we there yet?"
"No!  We're not there yet!  We're not even going there!  We're just arbitrarily driving around and around in circles until you shut up!"
"Where are we going?"
"So...are we there yet?"
"Absolutely!  In fact, now we're on our way back.  Go to sleep or something."

The sad thing about this narrative is that, although it sounds like some impetuous child, it's really what goes on in my own head whenever I travel.  I loveloveLOVE to go places, but getting there tends to be quite tedious at times and patience is not among my most prominent virtues.  I do try to enjoy as much of an adventure as I can, but nothing is more satisfying, more glorious, more happyfying than going on a trip and arriving at your desired destination.  Ahhhhh.

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